Call boy service in Mysore|| Call: +91 9692955079 || Join Now!
Male escort service Gigolo club| Call boy agency| Call boy service in Mysore
Call boy required urgently for our agency. Interested candidates from all over India can join us. We have service in all over India more than 18, call us and join India’s biggest dating club.
Step-1 just click the below link and fill up the registration form.
Click here to
Apply for male escort job |play boy| gigolo service
step-2 we will call you within 24 hours and pay the registration fees.
step-3 Client will directly call you by getting your details from our agency.
Step-4 Attend the calls and get paid from the client.
CALL/SMS/Telegram: Ms. Prachi +91 9692955079
CALL/SMS/Telegram: Ms. Rashmi +91 9692955079
Why Join Us:
1. We offer an affordable starting.
2. We don’t share our member’s privacy to anyone.
3. We are not attending unknown clients.
4. We are not attending LGBT clients. (L-lesbian, G-gay, B-bisexual, T-transsexual)
5. We are not attending STD affected clients
1. Candidate should know HINDI or ENGLISH.
2. Candidate should be well mannered and decent.
3. The candidate has to dressed up according to occasions.
4. Candidate needs to be clean and hygienic.
5. Candidate must not be addicted to drugs or alcohol.
6. Candidate must not be affected by S.T.D. (sexually transmitted diseases)
Salary: You get 15000 – 20000 per meeting for a full night, 6000 – 12000 for short times i.e., 4-6 hrs.
Working time: You will get 4-10 clients per month, but you can cancel the meeting of you want.
Working place: You may have attained clients both in their place and hotels also.
CALL/SMS/Telegram: Ms. Prachi +91 9692955079
CALL/SMS/Telegram: Ms. Rashmi +91 9692955079